Consistency Builds Courage

Image above: Carnival in my native land, Rio de Janeiro Brasil, is where I first heard this song.

From a long-time friend passing away to my hubby’s business getting broken into and us discovering that our insurance does not cover theft, my long-waited-for Spring is not starting as light as I’d anticipated!

Once this was all acknowledged, I continued sharing while enjoying the company of good friends at a festive Mexican restaurant.

Yet this time, enthusiastic details were included as I described my new ‘Radiant Femininity’ group, which I also had the great privilege of getting off the ground this week.

Here is how my friend Samana responded to my recent events report: “Christianne, you are always so positive.”

I wanted to argue that statement. 

Instead, I took the opportunity to let it quietly digest, along with the tacos I’d eaten.

From this assimilation process, a fresh and interesting, although familiar, recognition emerged:

How we train ourselves to direct our thoughts carry far more weight than merely having a positive or negative mindset.

For example, although seldom nowadays, there are still those times when I get upset with my sweetheart. Yet, here, in the same conversation where I highlight as clearly as I’m able a challenge I may be currently experiencing in our union, I emphasize at least one of the abundant gifts of being in a relationship with him.

In my early days of learning Ayurveda’s ancient wisdom, I understood that disease begins in the mind. 

It was then, over twenty years ago, that I began to develop new thinking habits gradually.

These long-time habits have made it evident to me and those I’m privileged to assist that how we choose to favor our thinking over time makes all the difference.

To want to develop this set of skills is a first and critical step in bringing us closer to the essence of who we are. 

We are neither positive nor negative. Instead, we know to maintain the light here inside. We gain the courage to search, even when it all seems dark.

Back at the restaurant with my friends, while enthusiastically emphasizing this new project that feels deeply nourishing to my Soul, I was not brushing under the carpet the undeniable pain that comes with being alive in this not only impermanent but also wholly crazy world.

Instead, I was doing what it takes, for me anyway, not to forget that weaved within struggles is the permission to exhale fully.

To access my next breath of life, I must move closer to my inner-most and ever-present residing joy, my Soul.

Sometimes as was the case this week, having something new and meaningful happening makes it easier to claim that next breath.

Other times, a bit of digging is required.

In either case, the courage to exhale is within us all!

The key to accessing this kind of courage is in our willingness to create and maintain consistent patterns.

As in the garden, preparing the soil for planting our “perennials” can be challenging.

Yet, once we clarify these new ways of favoring our attention, our small commitment to regularly bring sunshine and water provides fresh blooms in almost every area of our lives!

Now, on the “garden note,” and since most of you are reading this during nature’s actual New Year — Spring, I’ll leave you with this thought:

Identify a tendency in your thinking that leads you to forget what fertile soil your mind is.

Now plant a seed of light in that same soil. 

As you do, consider when and how you will provide it with sun and water.

Now, that is a worthwhile New Year’s Resolution, and since the timing is most auspicious, Spring— Nature’s New Year, go for it! 

I, too, will contemplate what this new seed might be for me. 

If you want to exchange your “planting ingredients,” I’m game. 

For this, feel free to reach me HERE.

Lastly, although its translation weakens the spirit of the message, let me share the chorus of a song that’s playing in my head.…

Viver e nao ter a vergonha de ser feliz
To live and not be ashamed of Being Happy

Cantar e cantar e cantar a beleza de ser um eterno aprendiz
To sing and sing the delight in being an eternal learner

Eu sei, eu sei, que a vida devia ser bem melhor (e sera),
I know, I know, it could be much better (and it will),

Mais isso nao impede que eu repita
but this does not impede I repeat

E bonita, e bonita, e e bonita
It is Beautiful, Beautiful; it is Beautiful!

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