From my choice-making process
to the functioning of my vital organs, hormones, nervous system,
and so on …..
When disconnected,
when only in my head,
tensions roaming around my environment get absorbed into my physiology,
and I become susceptible to harm.
Since I am the only caretaker of this body,
I check in with it gently and continuously.
I check in with it gently and continuously.
The tools for connecting are all inside here
this inner wisdom
this guiding intuition
this Compass that points to my well-being.
this inner wisdom
this guiding intuition
this Compass that points to my well-being.
I write this note to remind myself of the value of this work,
because this distracting world will try to get me to forget.
Now, if it serves to remind you as well
in awe and gratitude, I am.