Heading Towards The New Year’s Resolution Traffic Jam?

Here is a three-part detour for a smoother entrance into a really good year.

Depending on which side of the equator you are in, the climate may have you bundling up, putting on that bikini, or something in between.  

As a native of Rio de Janeiro, and an L.A. resident for much of my life,  I knew of only two seasons: wet or dry and always warm.   

As much as I miss -A LOT, living in those delicious temps since relocating to Eskimo land (aka Rochester, N.Y.), the pronounced contrast of the Seasons has imbued an undeniable texture to my long-time fascination with harmonious living.

Yet, let me save the topic of the seasons for another time before I meander too far right from the start.  

Whatever part of the globe you may be in, the fact that 2022 has come to a wrap affords us a new sense of space.  The question is:

What to do with this opening?

In case running from the gate with a specific “Resolution” for the entire year ahead feels a bit rushed, heavy, or tension-producing to you, here is a detour

that will likely have a more subtle and sustainable impact on your new year and life. 

Detour Part 1 ~ Plant your feet firmly on the earth

Um (1) Highlight what in your environment makes you feel closer to your sense of safety, security, and stability. Consider a few ways to incorporate it for a season.

From experimenting with meditation to putting the tendency to over-commit on pause, what can help you get closer to your sense of ground, and how can you seamlessly integrate it into your world?

Dois (2) Take on a new Dynacharia. These are daily routines for fine-tuning your organs of perception – eyes, nose, tongue, skin, and ears- the tools via which you interact with your world.  If you already know how to care for these, how about selecting one and putting it to good use this Season?

Karna Purana may be a good Dynacharia to start at this time.  Personally, this has been a game changer since my first visit to Eskimo land when I got a double ear infection from exposure to a frigid/windy environment.  Also, if you are experiencing some issues related to the ears, this is a practice you’ll want to get to know.  Above a 5 min. Get to Know Karna Purana video. Below is a 15 min. video with The Practice itself, along w/ a few contraindications. 

Detour Part 2 ~ Enjoy the warmth in your heart-belly

Um (1)  Many of us associate Winter with a time to indulge in rich foods.  Fortunately, Agni ~ the fire of digestion is naturally stronger when it’s cold outside.  Yet, even a solid digestive fire can only assimilate a limited amount at any given time.  Everything else turns into Ama ~ unprocessed stuff that makes the body toxic.

So, although this is your time to delight in those more robust soups and stews, remember to offset the heaviness of hardier meals. You can do this by spicing the dish well, avoiding cold drinks with your meals, enjoying a cup of ginger tea, having dinner a bit earlier, and so on…..

Dois (2) Keep Good Company and have the courage to bring a deeper understanding and compassion into the nearby conflicts (family, neighbors, you know who tests your cool).  

This is the time to set a feud aside and reconnect in a way that fuels the soul.  After all, how can we want the wars in our world to end when inside our hearts, we are not at peace with those who are close? 

So, seek the people who make your soul happy, and let them help you strengthen your courage this season.

{This 18 min. video on nature’s wisdom, by an ecologist named Suzanne Simard, will likely inspire and maybe even guide you to communicate and cooperate better with those you care about.)

Detour Part 3 ~ Infuse a bit of wind under your wings.

Um (1)  Winter can be a cozy ‘cave’ for creative potential.

To make the most of this, cultivate a curious mindset.  

So, this Season, explore something that sparks your interest, like learning the language of Ayurveda, playing the harp, or ‘fill in the blank.’
Carve out the space for something truly worthwhile before life quickly fills up with other less magnificent things for you to do.

Dois (2)  Your attention is requested to get inside your body and move it intelligently to circulate better, dissolve those long-held pockets of stress and so much more.

Although I have been a yoga practitioner and teacher for nearly two decades, time in nature remains my most favored tool for invigorating and relaxing my body and mind.

This means taking as many opportunities to get on my mountain bike as I can.  Yet, there are none in the Winter.   So, I reserve this time for discoveries and opportunities to invigorate and relax on the yoga mat. 

In whatever way resonates best with you, give your body the care it requires to thrive.  

{Bring some circulation into the body as an antidote to the mental and emotional stagnation predominant during this season with this 35 min. yoga class recorded for you this Winter.}

Have you got your variation to any of these three stops (or a different detour altogether)?

I’m intrigued!  Please share! 

Already poised to be inspired, driven, and receptive toward a grounding, warming, and refreshing Season for some time now?  

It’s good to be in resonance with you.

If this detour has been useful in letting go of unrealistic expectations and sparked in you a desire to begin mapping a smoother path toward your most soulful aspirations – I smile.

My every good wish your way…..

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