“Tulsi” (Ocimum sanctum)

Oi Oi lovely you!
Ready to learn about the herb which has earned the reputation of being the most “sattvic” one?
{Sattva is the state of mind which promotes contentment along with the inspiration and drive to be constructive with one’s actions, words, creativity and so on.}
If yes… then, let me introduce you to “Tulsi” (Ocimum sanctum).
Commonly known as “Holy Basil”, this herb:
*bolsters the immune system 
*aids in weight management
*strengthens digestion
*supports healthy circulation
*promotes mental clarity
*heightens awareness 
*lung and heart support
This is for the most part a “tridoshic herb”, which means that it can be enjoyed by all people, at all times.  The only caution is with Pitta Types (people who tend to run hot), to use it sparingly during Summer Season).
How to enjoy Tulsi?
Most of your local stores will have a good quality Tulsi tea.  
Now, if you can grow the actual plant, good for you!
Please add about 10 leaves to one cup of water, boil it and let it simmer for at least 5 minutes, then adding honey to taste.
Caution: If you’re eating basil raw, its a good idea to make sure it’s organic and know that chewing it regularly is not recommended as it is know to contain mercury which gets released into the teeth.
“Holy Basil opens the heart and mind and bestow the energy of love and devotion. It clears the aura and strengthens faith and compassion”
Yoga of Herbs. 
This sacred plant is associated with Krishna and Vishnu and often kept in courtyards and houses for its purifying and beneficial influence on its surroundings.
Here is the mantra and rules on plucking leaves.
मातस्तुलसि गोविन्द हृदयानन्द कारिणी
नारायणस्य पूजार्थं चिनोमि त्वां नमोस्तुते ।।
Matasattulsi Govind Hridayanandkarini
Narayanasaya Pujarth Chinomi Tavam Namostute
Now, whether or not you give this exquisite plant a try, may your days be filled with more and more “sattva”! 
Now, if you’d like to pass this tidbit on Tulsi to a friend, please share this video: 
Christianne Asper-Contant

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