When it comes to taking better care of you, there is a great deal that you know about – always have!
Yet, integrating these tools you know and have into your full lives, can be nothing short of a challenge!
In the name of self care, here then is what may make the most sense for succeeding today:
Select the One Thing (as I explain in the following text ) that you can and would like to do to take care of you.
By the time you go to sleep tonight, make sure to take a moment to check off of your “done list” this One Thing.
I bet this one single action will bring a greater sense of support, nourishment and integrity into your life than most other things.
Now, a contemplation on ~ The Art of Being You ~ for your enjoyment….
Being You,
in your service mode, maintenance mode, catch up mode;
you as a care giver, companion, friend;
Being You,
as the completely unique human being that you are,
who’s also intrinsically connected to all sentient beings.
To BE the true authentic YOU day in, day out;
this has got to be ultimate Art Form!
Each of us are called to participate in this infinitely vast and subtle craft;
Artistically inclined, or not!
Ayurveda gives us the map!
A tried-and-true scientific method which oozes of common sense.
The very fact that we are HERE contemplating on this ancient stuff thousands of years later,
this speaks for itself!
All the teachings that emerge from this great ancient wisdom can serve as clues for how to BE who we are,
in our essence, more of the time.
Today, I’ll highlight just One (surprise surprise):
“Dinacharya” (Daily Routines) for proper Care for the Five Senses
When we create a harmonious environment for each of our senses to thrive,
when this is a part of our lifestyle, we can more effortlessly return to our natural rhythms.
Often this means that we slow down a bit, enough to open our eyes to the things that we are doing.
In this process, our natural inclination to tune into the whispers of the soul is strengthened;
greater access to silence is gained.
When in tune with this soft sound of intuition we are more likely to favor taking in
tastes, sights, fragrances, sounds which are in resonance with our unique nature.
I often talk about following the guidance of our own inner-most compass; listening to the whispering sounds of our soul is this guide.
To follow this guidance is to prevent (or in the least minimize) excess.
Yes! That feeling of stagnation when too much weight accumulates in the body/mind;
or that feeling burned out when one’s intensity is not redirected;
or that sense of depletion that comes after a great deal of effort goes into stressing about those things that may never manifest.
Excess of any kind leads to imbalance and imbalance leads to disease.
A vibrant sense of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell on the other hand cultivated in your style of living will strengthen your capacity to remain connected to your true nature.
So, in case you’re looking for that One Thing to better express ‘The Art of Being You’;
go on – take good care of one of your five senses.
Ate Logo!
(Until soon)