Guduchi, the Most Supreme Herb

Welcome to the most supreme herb of all – Tinospora Cordifolia ~ Guduchi!
No matter where in the globe you are, you have had to coexist with a pandemic for 2 years now.
This makes the choice to develop an appreciation for Rasayanas that much more significant at this time.
Rasayana, is an Ayurvedic term which refers to ways of invigorating the body while also lengthening lifespans;  a significant contribution for welcoming a well-being filled new year!
There are a great number of stupendous herbs which fall under this Rasayana category.
Today I’ll introduce you to the one herb which has earned the reputation in Ayurveda of being the most supreme Rasayana of all!
A single herb that serves to promote vitality, strengthen the brain, the complexion of your skin,  helps fight disease and more.
Best of all, this herb is Tridoshic, which means that it is good for every body type!
Let’s look more closely at some of this herb’s astonishing benefits:
Quick recap from last month’s video on what a dipana does: It strengthens digestion and absorption!  Guduchi is useful in balancing symptoms like bloating and flatulence.  This herb is particularly effective in the prevention of gastritis and intestinal bleeding.
Immune support
This herb is especially powerful for those with a suppressed or overactive immunity (i.e. seasonal allergies).
Post viral syndrome support
Guduchi is know to help rebuild the tissues of the body after illness, to counter the kind of fatigue one is often left with after a virus, , as well as in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy drugs.
Healthy reproduction
Furthermore, this herb is also known to increase sexual vigor.
Prevent liver damage
Beyond prevention, Guduchi is known to repair of damaged liver cells.
This herb is known to relieve arthritis/ gout and other inflammatory joint conditions.
Nerve tonic
This herb is known to strengthen memory.
Strengthens ‘The Five Senses’ 
As those of you who already know a little bit of Ayurveda, you know that optimally functioning senses can serve as a direct path to disease prevention!
Blood cleanser
Guduchi is known to heal skin disorders and reduce fever.

Guduchi is not only cleansing (as mentioned above) but it also has a rejuvenating effect on all bodily tissues.
The Charaka Samhita (a most revered Ayurvedic text dating back a loooong time ago) says that with this herb:
“One sheds the form of the old age, puts on that of the fresh youth.”
The body’s ultimate protector! 
aka = Amrita = divine nectar
How to take it:
Mix one tsp in warm water on an empty stomach (tsp of honey, optional). 1 to 2 X’s daily
not recommended during pregnancy
Wishing you and yours a healthy journey ahead and with the help of Guduchi, you can be well on your way!
Christianne Asper-Contant

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