Accessing Your Inner-most Compass

A 15 Day Online Retreat

June 11th - June 25th, 2022

Registration is now open for this exquisitely delicious annual gathering! 
A two weeks window of time in which you will carve out the space for creating your own unique map to a healthier, more peaceful and fulfilling life.
Depending on who and where you are, as well as where you are heading at this moment in time, your 15-day exploration may vary greatly from fellow participants.  Yet, a common ground will be shared by each of you:  Access to time tested (ancient) tools that support a stronger signal to the great wisdom innate in us all! 
Ahhh….yes, while gaining this more clear connection to your inner-most compass, there will be a great deal of fun to be had as well! 
Trekking the trail with you at the helm was an adventure in how to harness even the smallest of our resources to wake up to the vitality of life that is already available to us. All the material of the course was introduced with an enthusiasm that was contagious. It was translated simply, without losing its complexity. We were supported along the way from you and from our trail mates. I feel that Ayurveda can sometimes feel esoteric and unknowable, but you made it very practical and helpful. To me, that is the only way to create real change for most people. One of the biggest imprints of this experience I picked up again & again, is how important even small changes can be in affecting big changes in our lives. That is a true gift in a world where there is so much information to decipher and confusion about how to live well. Thank you for this beautiful experience!
Kasia Pelepko
Yoga Teacher - Rochester, NY

Keep reading to find more details on this course.

Saturday, June 11
1:30 – 5 pm EST via Zoom
Depending on whether you are new or more experienced, you will either receive a fascinating introduction to Ayurveda or gain a new perspective on some of Ayurveda’s most essential principles (or a little bit of both).

Sunday, June 12 – Friday, June 24
Each morning you will be greeted with an email which will include instructions for the practice of the day. You will want to set aside approximately 45 minutes per day for practice.  During this time you’ll be encouraged to meet with a partner (set up for you at the first session).  

Saturday, June 25
12:00 – 1:30 pm EST via Zoom
It’s a wrap!  We will gather as a community online for the second time to both: share some of the experiences of the past two weeks and consider some tactics for how to continue to cultivate this gained access to our inner-most compass, indefinitely.

 18-participant limit!


Standard* =  $118
Community Supported* =  $65
Pay It Forward* =  $155
*We are pleased to offer Sliding Scale pricing on selected offers such as this one.  While “Standard” is the set cost,  “Community Supported” is for those who are facing financial hardship, and “Pay It Forward” helps cover others in your program.
Please contact if you have any questions.
*We are pleased to offer Sliding Scale pricing on selected offers such as this one.  While “Standard” is the set cost,  “Community Supported” is for those who are facing financial hardship, and “Pay It Forward” helps cover others in your program.
$ 118.00
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Total: $118.00

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